Project Update Bulletin 22

In June, the construction of the facility’s waste processing areas was completed, and initial cold commissioning tests took place to enable the processing of waste when the facility is operational.

Key commissioning activities have included drying out of the refractory lining - a special concrete within the boiler that protects it against high temperatures. Drying out the refractory prevents it from cracking. The boiler and steam blow took place to ensure that the quality of steam in the boiler is free from fine particles and therefore clean enough to be sent to the turbine.

In June, the facility achieved its Readiness Test certificate, which means waste can now be received and treated for the final stage of the commissioning process. Deliveries of waste started at the end of June. Going forward the focus will be on finishing and fitting out works within the administration building and visitor centre, mixing waste in the bunker before it is fed into the system, and the processing of waste.

The Gloucestershire Energy from Waste facility is part of Gloucestershire’s Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy, which aims to reduce, recycle, and recover waste materials across the county, and move away from reliance on end-of-life landfill.

For more information about the project, please visit Our emergency out-of-hours contact telephone number is 07860 268578.